showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Vol. 1 Icom Simulations1992 labelminimizeminimize
The 7th Guest Virgin Games (Trilobyte)1993Originally a 68k game, a patch for PPC was later released. labelminimizeminimize
Burn:Cycle  Philips (TripMedia)1994 labelimageminimize
Mad Dog McCree American Laser Games1994 labelminimizeminimize
Neuro Dancer  Electric Dreams (Pixis)1994 labelimageminimize
Crime Patrol American Laser Games1995 labelimageminimize
Cyberdreams Hybrid Technology1995 labelminimizeminimize
Phantasmagoria Sierra On-Line (Sierra)1995This might be an obscure release. As you know, Bob, make distributors, stores, and other software outlets refused to deal with Phantasmagoria sometimes because of the subject matter (violence, gore, sex, rape) but mostly because of the perceived subject matter and the ardent insistence by most anyone except the creators, of this game marketed to adults, was in fact a ploy to corrupt young children (the "M" rating, the screenshots on the back of the box, definitely targeted at young children¡) .

The PH1PATCH.SEA.HQX patch is required to corrects some (not all) of the Unimplemented Trap and System 11 lockup errors that occur when saving at the end of a chapter.

The term [url=]Phantasmagoria[/url] comes from a type of theater popular from the late 18th to 19th century. A kind of slideshow magic show, owners of pubs or coffee houses (generally not frequented by children) would use glass and mirrors to project macabre photographs or sculpture onto walls or even seemingly into mid air. Frequent observation by individuals with already questionable metal state could induce the mental condition known as phantasmagoria (remembering seeing while awake, a series of real or imagined macabre images as if in a dream state). One Phantasmagoria operator, and professional physicist, became so good at terrifying people as to convince even the stable-minded that the ghosts, devils, skeletons, and other fantastic terrors he displayed were real and his to command. He was arrested and sued on multiple occasions by patrons and public prosecutors, but especially by competitors. I guess things haven't changed that much.
The Daedalus Encounter Virgin (Mechadeus)1995 labelminimizeminimize
The Riddle Of Master Lu  U.S. Gold (Sanctuary Woods)1995 labelminimizeminimize
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger  Electronic Arts (Origin Systems)1995 labelminimizeminimize
The Dark Eye inSCAPE1995 labelminimizeminimize
Ripper Take 2 Interactive1996 labelminimizeminimize
Spycraft: The Great Game Activision1996 labelminimizeminimize
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery  Sierra1996 labelminimizeminimize
Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murder Activision1996 labelminimizeminimize